Monday, March 19, 2007

Jack is okay

When the family reached the neo-natal unit it turns out that Jack had problem with blood gasses levels so the nurses had put him on a respirator because he wasn't breathing effectively. He is still breathing on his own, though! He is now breathing with help from the respirator to give him an easier time of it. Both boys are working "very hard" to do the physical things we take for granted but they don't consider either Jack or Tyler in any unusual danger for a preemie.

One of the grandmothers and I feel there should be another word besides "crash" to describe this kind of situation since the whole family mobilized instantly expecting the worst. Maybe "stumble" or "trip" but "crash" sounds so dire! We've been told to expect this to happen repeatedly.

One set of grandparents visited the boys yesterday and said that while Ben was talking to Tyler, he opened one eye and seemed to be listening!

They are cross-typing the boys' blood type as they will need a transfusion. Apparently, newborns and preemies do not produce their own red blood cells. As information on how to donate blood to the boys' account is made available, I will pass it on.

Thanks for speedy prayers!


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