Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy One Week Birthday

Happy One Week Birthday, Tyler and Jack!

The neonatal doctor told Megan today that they are doing "remarkably well" for their first week of life. The grandmothers report that the babies are active -- sometimes a bit too active to make the job of the neonatal nurses an easy one! Jack especially likes to disconnect himself from the sensors in his incubator. Tyler seems particularly responsive to his father's voice and will open his eyes and turn in Ben's direction when he speaks to him.

Jack is still being aided in his breathing by the respirator so continue to pray that his lungs will strengthen. Tyler is having trouble digesting mother's milk so pray that his digestive and eliminatory tracts would develop so he can handle breast milk (Jack is having no problems in that area). Pray that Megan and Ben can adjust to the hospital visitation schedule and rest well at home.

More soon,


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